Customer Support
WinGD customer support
Find out who to contact in the event of an issue with your engine, as well as information on warranty service and WinGD’s 24X7 hotline subscription service.
Service Partners
WinGD Global Service
For engine maintenance support and service, Wärtsilä 2-Stroke Services is WinGD’s authorized global service partner.
WinGD Warranty & Operations Support
The primary contact for warranty issues during the first year of engine operation are the delivering yard and engine manufacturer.
For customer-direct assistance by WinGD, claims can be forwarded to:
Operation Recommendations
Guidance to keep your WinGD engine operating at its peak
In partnership
Engine Builders
Engines are produced globally by specialized Engine Builders under licence from WinGD
A deeper understanding
Training courses
WinGD training courses improve the technical and engine operational skills of marine engineers and technical personnel of Ship Owners, Operators and Charterers.