

Designed for low emissions and high efficiency for gas and bulk carriers, Handymax tankers, feeder container vessels, RoRos and general cargo ships.

The X52DF-A-1.0 engine has a cylinder bore diameter of 520 mm and a piston stroke of 2,315 mm. The engine is available with five to eight cylinders configurations being able to cover a power range of 5,100-14,480 kW at 79-105 rpm.
All data provided on this site is for information purposes only, explicitly non-binding and subject to changes without further notice.


Fuel Types

  • A A

Vessel types

  • Tanker
  • Container Vessel
    Container Vessel
  • Bulk Carrier
    Bulk Carrier
  • Multipurpose Vessel
    Multipurpose Vessel
  • Gas Carrier
    Gas Carrier
  • PCTC
  • High reliability

    High reliability

    Based on the X52 with proven reliability
  • High efficiency

    High efficiency

    Diesel cycle with high efficiency in both diesel and ammonia mode
  • Fuel flexibility

    Fuel flexibility

    Diesel - HFO - Ammonia

Engine details


IMO Tier II/Tier III (SCR)
Cylinder bore
Piston stroke
Mean effective pressure at R1
Stroke/bore ratio

Rated power, principal dimensions and weights

Output in kW at
105rpm 79rpm Length A
Length A *
Dry mass
Cyl. R1 R2 R3 R4
5 9050 6800 6800 5100 5985 6990 228
6 10860 8160 8160 6120 6925 7930 264
7 12670 9520 9520 7140 7865 302
8 14480 10880 10880 8160 8805 339
Output in kW at
105rpm 79rpm
Cyl. R1 R2 R3 R4
5 9050 6800 6800 5100
6 10860 8160 8160 6120
7 12670 9520 9520 7140
8 14480 10880 10880 8160
Cyl. Length A
Length A *
5 5985 6990 228
6 6925 7930 264
7 7865 302
8 8805 339


B C D D (iSCR)
3514 1205 8415 8760
F1 F2 F3 G
10350 10350 9800 1910

Brake specific consumption in gas mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSEC (energy) kJ/kWh 7294 6995 7294 6995
BSGC (gas) g/kWh 371.5 355.4 371.5 355.4
BSPC (pilot fuel) g/kWh 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

Brake specific fuel consumption in diesel mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSFC (diesel Tier II) kJ/kWh 170.8 163.8 170.8 163.8

Brake specific consumption in gas mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSEC (energy) 1 kJ/kWh 7294 6995 7294 6995
BSGC (gas) 2 g/kWh 371.5 355.4 371.5 355.4
BSPC (pilot fuel) 3 g/kWh 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

Brake specific fuel consumption in diesel mode

Rating point R1 R2 R3 R4
BSFC (diesel Tier II)1 kJ/kWh 170.8 163.8 170.8 163.8

iSCR available for 5-7 cylinder engines with one TC on exhaust side.

All data provided on this site is for information purposes only, explicitly non-binding and subject to changes without further notice.

Engine documentation for X52DF-A-1.0

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