Press Release

WinGD introduces new Integrated Digital Expert system, WiDE

  • 24 December 2018
  • 2 minutes to read

WinGD introduces new Integrated Digital Expert system, WiDE

Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD) has launched a new comprehensive, integrated system for creating value from engine and ship data, WiDE (WinGD Integrated Digital Expert).

WiDE allows the collection and analysis of ship and machinery data to proactively predict engine component malfunctions and offer support through live troubleshooting and diagnostic advice to the crew. This is done without the need of installing additional sensors.

WiDE is based on the Data Collection Monitoring (DCM) unit for collecting and visualising the engine and ship data, as well as the Engine Diagnostic System (EDS) software. It analyses the data and creates value and insight. These capabilities are integrated into a user-friendly, on-board system comprising state-of-the-art hardware, expert software and efficient data analytics techniques.

The video offers a detailed description of WiDE...

Carmelo Cartalemi, General Manager Business Development, WinGD, said: “WiDE forms part of WinGD’s digital solutions which enhance customer benefits. With WiDE we are able to utilize the power of the machinery data in combination with our engine expertise and advanced data analytic techniques. This allows us to support shipping companies during their day to day operations with valuable insight. We provide live troubleshooting support for engine performance, suggested maintenance and component replacement, reducing operational interruptions.”

WiDE collects data via DCM which is now installed as standard on all new engines contracted as of January, 2018. DCM can also be retrofitted to older, electronically controlled engines already in operation.

Media Contacts

Carmelo Cartalemi
General Manager Business Development
Winterthur Gas & Diesel
Tel.: +41 52 264 85 07

Anna Garcia
Manager Marketing & Communications, Sales and Marketing
Tel.: +41 52 264 8844

WinGD in brief

Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. (WinGD) is a leading developer of two-stroke low-speed gas and diesel engines used for propulsion power in merchant shipping. WinGD’s target is to set the industry standard for reliability, efficiency and environmental friendliness. WinGD provides designs, licences and technical support to manufacturers, shipbuilders and ship operators worldwide. The engines are sold under the WinGD brand name and are manufactured under licence in four shipbuilding countries. WinGD has its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, where its activities were founded in 1898.